Learn about Christianity

Learn about Jesus Christ, our faith is based on Christian values of sound Biblical foundation, dealing with issues as prescribed within the scriptures. 2nd Timothy 2:15.

We believe in the old and new Testaments as equally important to the church for spiritual edification and knowledge. Matthew 2:23.

Men At The Summit.

Men’s Programmes Every 2nd and last Saturday of Every Month: 2pm – 3.30pm

Meeting ID: 744 3257 7289  Password:1kaXqJ

Isaiah 25 : 6
[6]And in this mountain shall the LORD of hosts make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of wines on the lees well refined.

The Summit represents a place of God’s presence, encounter and a higher understanding of God’s will and direction for the future. As Men in Church, we are the prophets and elders of our time, just like the prophets, priest and elders of the Bible. It is a place for leaders. Prophets, priests and elders and Jesus had their times in the mountains (The Summit). We are continuing in this special experience and welcome every born again Christian men to join our online Men at The Summit Meetings.

God bless you.

David Iyekekpolor.

Women Ministers at Jesus Feet.

Every Thursday via Zoom

ID:7413081 3527 Password:4B4BYD

8:30pm -9:30pm UK

This is an International platform where women from around the world share ways of serving and developing a closer/deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

Women have attended to minister from Australia, South Africa and UK alike. The program was developed by Minister Mel Iyekekpolor who desires that women should serve in the body of Christ according to Luke 8:1-3.

Women of every age are en encouraged to attend and serve the Lord, with shared encounters of revelation.

Fri – Youth Fellowship: 7pm – 8:30pm.

Meeting ID: 744 3257 7289  Password:1kaXqJ